Last month it was revealed that Jackson Anthony is to debut in Malayalam movie industry which is also known as Mollywood. He is set to star in a movie by well-known Malayalam cinema director Anil Kumar, which named as 'Lucknow'. Further it has been revealed that Sri Lankan internet star and controversial actress Piumi Hansamali will play the female lead.
Hansamali joined main stream cinema through Udayakatha Warnasuriya's ‘Wassanaye Handa’ playing a leading role. She was featured in Dushyanth Weeraman’ music video ‘Omari Latha’. She was highly criticized for participating Iraj's controversial music video.
In the upcoming movie, Jackson plays the role of an elderly man who is married to a younger wife, which will be played by Hansamali. The movie concludes with a tragedy. The movie is produced by Beena Unnikrishnan. The movie is to film in both Tamil and Malayalam languages and will be shot in the beautiful areas in Lucknow. 'Muhurath' of the movie was held in India recently.